By: Danielle Harth
Original: 36x48” Oil on canvas
November 2013
In this painting the two eagles serve as symbols of prophetic vision because of their ability to focus and see in the Spirit what the human eye cannot. The outstretched wings represent the protection, guardianship, authority that a father has in preparing his children for their future. The wings also symbolize the ability to navigate and maintain control over spiritual atmospheres through the God-given gifts, power, and authority.
This painting is important to this period in my life because I feel like I am being mentored and raised by so many wise, influential people. I have the privilege of being a graduate student at the Adler School of Professional Psychology in the Master’s in Art Therapy program. I am a Community Service intern with the Illinois Psychological Association serving under Dr. Beth Rom-Rymer and Dr. Terrance Koller. I will be a Practicum Student with the Cornerstone Counseling Center of Chicago supervised by Dr. Susy Francis and Dr. Eva Ponder. I am a member and actively involved within my church, All Nations Worship Assembly where I receive spiritual and educational guidance under Dr. Matthew Stevenson. The eagles soaring together represent my desire to learn from the great people that have a positive influence on my life.